Digital Humanities Elective Modules

In the field of Digital Humanities, there are currently two modules from the Interdisciplinary Elective modules – in german: Interdisziplinärer Wahlbereich
(IDWB) – for Bachelor students, these are: "Introduction to Digital Humanities" and "Specialization Digital Humanities" and "Digital Text Analysis".

Students on the Master's and Magister degree programs at the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Theology, the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering can choose the module "Digital Humanities Colloquium" in their compulsory elective areas.

All modules can optionally be credited and shown as additional achievements – in german: Zusatzleistungen – on the certificate.

Introduction to Digital Humanities

Introduction to Digital Humanities

Module Number: 6100240

The module "Introduction to Digital Humanities" provides an overview of the Digital Humanities as a discipline and interdisciplinary field of research.
Contents of the module are:

  • an introduction to the theory and history of the Digital Humanities,
  • digitalization,
  • data indexing, data modeling, and data standards for humanities research objects,
  • digital collections and editions,
  • digital methods (including annotation, quantitative analysis, visualization, application development),
  • evaluation and sustainability of digital humanities research,
  • legal and ethical aspects of Digital Humanities.

The aim of the module is for students to be able to fundamentally describe the objects and methods of the subject and research field of Digital Humanities, to be familiar with essential terms of Digital Humanities, and to be able to determine and critically reflect on the possibilities and challenges of Digital Humanities and the interplay of traditional and digital methods. Students will also gain practical experience creating and processing digital data. The students become capable of discourse beyond the boundaries of their own subject and can exchange ideas with representatives of other humanities and computer science disciplines.

The module consists of an introductory lecture in Digital Humanities with an accompanying exercise and is concluded with a written exam.

Specialization Digital Humanities

Specialization Digital Humanities

Module Number: 6100250

The module "Specialization Digital Humanities" is more advanced and is offered with changing topics of the Digital Humanities. Contents of the introduction to the Digital Humanities are deepened and the critical examination of them as well as practical skills are expanded. Possible topics include:

  • the preparation and indexing of historical sources and texts in digital formats,
  • qualitative and quantitative digital text and data analysis,
  • the development of research databases, digital archives, editions and research software,
  • the networking of digital data and resources.

The aim of the module is for students to be able to summarize the contents of scientific publications from the field of Digital Humanities, to critically evaluate them and to place them in the overall context of the subject or research field, to expand their methodological knowledge and practical skills in creating, processing and presenting digital data in the field of Digital Humanities, and to be able to productively link theoretical and empirical findings. Students also expand their communicative competencies of subject-related, interdisciplinary and application-oriented knowledge and cultural mediation and collaboration.

The module consists of a seminar and an accompanying exercise and is completed with a term paper.

Digital Text Analysis

Digital Text Analysis

Module Number: 6100250

The module "Digital Text Analysis" is an advanced course that focuses on the methods and techniques of empirical social research, social science data analysis, and social science data processing, with varying thematic focuses. Possible topics and the related development of competencies include, among others:

  • Acquiring fundamental methodological knowledge and practical skills in the creation, processing, and analysis of digital text data,
  • Understanding key procedures and relevant tools for qualitative and quantitative digital text analysis,
  • The ability to summarize, critically evaluate, and contextualize scientific publications in the field of digital text analysis,
  • The ability to productively link theoretical and empirical findings,
  • Expanding communicative competencies in subject-specific, interdisciplinary, and application-oriented knowledge and cultural transfer and collaboration.

The aim of the module is for students to deepen their understanding of digital text analysis and apply it effectively. The seminar introduces methods and tools of qualitative and quantitative digital text analysis. Digitalized texts, or texts that were originally created digitally ("born digital"), are analyzed using computational methods. Topics covered include corpus building, annotation, analysis and interpretation, as well as the visualization of results. Relevant methods include, among others, topic modeling, sentiment analysis, style analysis, and network analysis.

The module consists of a seminar and an accompanying exercise and is completed with a term paper.

Digital Humanities Colloquium

Digital Humanities Colloquium

Module Number: 6150360

In the elective module "Digital Humanities Colloquium", students from the Master's and Magister degree programs at the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Theology, the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills in the research topics and practical fields of Digital Humanities. The module addresses current issues related to the theory, methodology, and practice of Digital Humanities as an interdisciplinary subject and research field where computer-based methods are developed, applied, and reflected upon in the humanities and social sciences. The aim is to expand participants' existing competencies to enable them to familiarize themselves with new and current theoretical and practical contexts, reflect on them from the perspective of their discipline, and apply them to selected, self-designed scientific problems.

The module consists of a lecture series with varying topics presented by representatives of the University of Rostock as well as invited guests from the German-speaking and international community. An accompanying exercise deepens the contents of the lecture. The module concludes with a term paper.

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Henny-Krahmer

Digital Humanities
Institute for German Studies
Gertrudenstraße 11, Torhaus, Room 03
18057 Rostock

Tel.: +49 381 498 2555
E-Mail: ulrike.henny-krahmeruni-rostockde