Rostock Working Group Digital Humanities
The Rostock Working Group Digital Humanities (RosDH) is an interdisciplinary association and network of members of the University of Rostock who are concerned with digital methods and their development and application in the humanities. Its goal is to promote networking among those who are active in the Digital Humanities or would like to become involved in this area. The aim is also to engage participants in the dialogue about how the Digital Humanities can be further developed as an interdisciplinary field of research at the University of Rostock. Furthermore, the working group is intended to create a forum for the exchange of information on topics, methods, and projects in the Digital Humanities.
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Henny-Krahmer (organization)
Fernanda Alvares Freire M.A. (organization)
Erik Renz B.A. (organization)
Prof. Dr. habil. Soham Al-Suadi
Hellmut Braun
Dr. Yvonne Dudzik
Nico Förster M.A.
Prof. Dr. habil. Holger Helbig
Dr. Petra Himstedt-Vaid
Dr. Kristina Kähm
Fabian Kaßner M.A.
Nils Kellner M.A.
Dr. Milan Kostrešević
Karsten Labahn M.A.
apl. Prof. Dr. habil. Roger Labahn
Marc Lemke M.A.
Antje Meuser M.A.
Dr.-Ing. Holger Meyer
Caroline Müller M.A.
Dr. Philipp Pilhofer
Prof. Dr. Oliver Plessow
Dr. Andy Räder
Dr. Sebastian Schick
Dr. Christoph Schmitt
Max Schröder M.Sc.
Robert Stephan M.A.
Antje Theise M.A.
Dr. Martin Wagner
Dr. Anja Eggert (FBN Dummerstorf)
Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer (Free University of Berlin)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Krüger (University of Wismar)
Dr. Frederike Neuber-Martucci (BBAW)
Dr. Torsten Roeder (University of Würzburg)
Digital Humanities
Institute for German Studies
Gertrudenstraße 11, Torhaus
18057 Rostock
E-Mail: phf.dhuni-rostockde
Lecture Series:
Digital Humanities in Focus
Meeting ID: 630 4747 2241
Passcode: 430211
Venue in the SuSe 2024
Main Building of the University
Universitätsplatz 1, 2nd Floor,
Room 218
18055 Rostock