Research Projects

Research projects which are currently being carried out and accompanied at the Junior Professorship for Digital Humanities.

The Complete Works of Uwe Johnson (UJWA)

In the project "Uwe Johnson-Werkausgabe" (UJWA, duration: 2014–2037), a historical-critical edition of the works, writings and letters of Uwe Johnson (1934–1984) is being produced in printed and digital form. The project is an academy project of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) at the University of Rostock. The DH junior professorship supports in particular the preparation of the digital edition.

Diccionario del Español Medieval electrónico (DEMel)

Starting in May 2023, the DH Junior Professorship will be a cooperation partner for the period of two years in the project "Diccionario del Español Medieval electrónico (DEMel)". The project works on the development of a lemmatized and semantically pre-structured electronic data archive on medieval Spanish, and has been carried out at the University of Rostock since 2016.

Computational Approaches to Narrative Space in 19th and 20th Century Novels (CANSpiN)

In the DFG-funded project "Computational Approaches to Narrative Space in 19th and 20th Century Novels" (CANSpiN, duration: April 2023 to March 2026), approaches to the computational recognition of narrative space using machine learning methods are being developed and tested on German- and Spanish-language novel corpora in order to answer questions about the relationship between mentions of space and identity constructions. The interdisciplinary project is led by the Junior Professorship for Digital Humanities, the Uwe Johnson Professorship for 20th Century Modern German Literature, and the Associate Professorship for Mathematical Optimization.

Past Research Projects

Pessoa digital

The project "Pessoa digital" (Duration: January to December 2023, Lead: DH Junior Professorship) was funded by the NFDI consortium Text+ as a collaborative project. It aimed to integrate the existing digital edition "Fernando Pessoa - Digital Edition: Projects and Publications" on projects and publications of the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa (1888–1935) into the Text+ infrastructure and thereby make it sustainably available.


Digital Humanities
Institute for German Studies
Gertrudenstraße 11, Torhaus
18057 Rostock

E-Mail: phf.dhuni-rostockde