Introductory Literature on Uwe Johnson

As an introduction to the life and work of Uwe Johnson, the book „Die Katze Erinnerung“. Uwe Johnson – Eine Chronik in Briefen und Bildern, compiled by Eberhard Fahlke, is well suited. Johnson's poetic lectures, Begleitumstände, provide additional details and, at the same time, an idiosyncratic yet appropriate preparation for his novels. As a companion book to the anniversaries, the commentary is available. For academic purposes, Gary L. Baker's book Understanding Uwe Johnson and Michael Hofmann's Uwe Johnson are recommended as introductions. Katja Leuchtenberger's Wer erzählt, muß an alles denken remains a current and highly recommended book. The edited correspondences, meanwhile, offer an equally enlightening and entertaining perspective, not only on Johnson.

The following small selection of secondary literature is not representative but points to texts that offer useful and/or original insights. For those who find this insufficient, Nicolai Riedel's Uwe Johnson Bibliography 1959–1998 provides a thematically organized directory with over 4000 entries.


Prof. Dr. Holger Helbig
Institute for German Studies
Gertrudenstraße 11, Torhaus
18057 Rostock

Tel.: +49 381 498 2540
E-Mail: holger.helbiguni-rostockde