Lecture Series: Winter Semester 2023-24

Digital Humanities in Focus: Methods, Applications, and Perspectives

Semester Program 2023-24

The lecture series took place regularly on Mondays during the lecture period from 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. The course venue was in person at the main building of the university, located at Universitätsplatz 1, in Room 104 (on the 1st floor), and online via Zoom.


Schnittstellenkompetenzen – das Studium der Digital Humanities (an der Technischen Universität Dresden)


Der Masterstudiengang "Digital Humanities" in Dresden hat das Ziel, Studierende aus den Geisteswissenschaften auf die Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation vorzubereiten, und der Kompetenz auszustatten, in inter- und transdisziplinären Teams DH-Projekte entwickeln und begleiten zu können. Neben der Forschungsorientierung steht eine enge Verzahnung mit Partnerinstitutionen der TU Dresden im Zentrum des Curriculums. An zwei Projektbeispielen erläutere ich, wie ich in Forschung und Lehre Kollaboration und Partizipation durch digitale Transformation umsetze.

Short bio:

As a linguist, Dr. Alexander Lasch delves into the intricacies of the German language, exploring its evolution and usage. His primary interests revolve around constructional-grammatical approaches to contemporary language, access and machine analysis within the context of Digital Humanities, discourse- and domain-specific communication in the past and present, functional and regional varieties, as well as topics in applied linguistics. In both teaching and research, he adheres to the principles of the Open Access Community and is committed to the establishment of Open Educational Resources (OER). He also pays particular attention to collaborative forms of work and the visualization of the interlinking of research and teaching.


Digital Humanities
Institute for German Studies
Gertrudenstraße 11, Torhaus
18057 Rostock

E-Mail: phf.dhuni-rostockde

Lecture Series:

Digital Humanities in Focus

Meeting ID: 630 4747 2241
Passcode: 430211

Venue in the SuSe 2024
Main Building of the University
Universitätsplatz 1, 2nd Floor,
Room 218
18055 Rostock

Lecture Series